1#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
2### Tool aggregating a NetCDF grid file over shapes
3# Copyright (c) 2021. Harvard University
5# Developed by Research Software Engineering,
6# Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
7# Author: Michael A Bouzinier
9# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11# You may obtain a copy of the License at
13# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
15# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
16# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
17# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
18# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
19# limitations under the License.
22cwlVersion: v1.2
23class: CommandLineTool
24baseCommand: [python, -m, dorieh.rasters.launcher]
27 InlineJavascriptRequirement: {}
28 EnvVarRequirement:
29 envDef:
30 HTTP_PROXY: "$('proxy' in inputs? inputs.proxy: null)"
31 HTTPS_PROXY: "$('proxy' in inputs? inputs.proxy: null)"
32 NO_PROXY: "localhost,,"
33 ResourceRequirement:
34 # coresMin: 1
35 coresMax: 2
36 ramMin: 16384
39doc: |
40 This tool preprocesses a NetCDF (.nc) file and aggregates gridded data
41 over shapes (zip codes or counties) and time. It produces daily mean values.
42 The tool expects daily values in teh grid nodes.
44 The tool expects multiple (daily) values for one variable in every grid node.
45 The variables are expected to be formatted as they are in
46 [University of Idaho Gridded Surface Meteorological Dataset](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR_GRIDMET#description)
48 See also [aggregate_wustl.cwl](aggregate_wustl) for aggregating
49 single variable values with multiple variables in every node as formatted
50 by [Atmospheric Composition Analysis Group of Washington University](https://sites.wustl.edu/acag/datasets/surface-pm2-5/)
53 proxy:
54 type: string?
55 default: ""
56 doc: HTTP/HTTPS Proxy if required
57 strategy:
58 type: string
59 default: downscale
60 inputBinding:
61 prefix: --strategy
62 doc: "Rasterization strategy"
63 ram:
64 type: string
65 default: 2GB
66 doc: Runtime memory, available to the process
67 inputBinding:
68 prefix: --ram
69 shapes:
70 type: Directory?
71 inputBinding:
72 prefix: --shapes_dir
73 geography:
74 type: string
75 doc: |
76 Type of geography: zip codes or counties
77 inputBinding:
78 prefix: --geography
79 year:
80 type: string
81 doc: "Year to process"
82 inputBinding:
83 prefix: --years
84 month:
85 type: int?
86 doc: "Optional month to process"
87 inputBinding:
88 prefix: --dates
89 valueFrom: $("month:" + self)
91 band:
92 type: string
93 doc: |
94 [Gridmet Band](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR_GRIDMET#bands)
95 inputBinding:
96 prefix: --var
97 dates:
98 type: string?
99 doc: 'dates restriction, for testing purposes only'
100 inputBinding:
101 prefix: --dates
102 input:
103 type: File
104 doc: "Downloaded file"
105 shape_files:
106 type: File[]
107 doc: "Paths to shape files"
108 inputBinding:
109 prefix: --shape_files
112 - valueFrom: $(inputs.band)
113 prefix: --destination
114 - valueFrom: |
115 ${
116 return inputs.input["dirname"];
117 }
118 prefix: --raw_downloads
121 log:
122 type: File?
123 outputBinding:
124 glob: "*.log"
125 data:
126 type: File?
127 doc: |
128 The output CSV file, containing daily means of the given
129 gridMET variable over given geographies. Each line
130 contains date, geo id (zip or county FIPS) and value
131 outputBinding:
132 glob: $(inputs.band + "/*.csv.gz")
133 errors:
134 type: stderr
136stderr: $("aggr-" + inputs.band + "-" + inputs.year + "-" + inputs.month + ".err")