Why Data Platform and what does it do?
Why we need a Data Platform
Reproducible research is a keystone of modern scientific work. In data engineering for data science it presents a challenge on two sides. On the one hand, data is often retrieved from public and proprietary data sources that are being continuously updated, requiring special attention to ensure that for reproducibility purposes the same exact data sources are used. On the other hand, data processing involves heavy floating-point computations which are very sensitive to the exact computational environment. Differing operating systems and/or versions of the tools and libraries might affect the result. Several scientific communities proposed various standards to define portable reproducible data processing workflows, with Common Workflow Language (CWL) having the widest adoption in both commercial and academic settings. CWL can be used to define pipelines in imperative rather than procedural ways. Reproducibility challenges are exacerbated when the research involves healthcare data that is inherently confidential and cannot be shared publicly to ensure reproducibility. A possible solution to this problem is to share infrastructure instead, making an option for institutions to reproduce each other’s results on their own data in compliance with their own data usage agreements. In this setting Infrastructure as Code (IaC) provides a handy way to ensure that the infrastructure is identical during data processing.
The data platform is based on a combination of an IaC approach and CWL. Besides tools written in widely used languages such as Python, C/C++ and Java, it also supports tools written in R and PL/pgSQL, making it, to the best of our knowledge, one of the first deployment-ready platforms appropriate for ETL/ELT pipelines. Out of the four open-source production-ready CWL implementations, we have selected CWL-Airflow to take advantage of the excellent user interface allowing for the control of the actual execution process. The data is eventually stored in a PostgreSQL DBMS; many processing steps are being run inside the database itself. The data platform is deployed as a set of Docker containers orchestrated by Docker-Compose. Conda (package manager) environment files and Python requirements are used to build Docker containers satisfying the dependencies. Specific parameters can be customized via environment files and shell script callbacks.
One of the most important features of the data platform is support for advanced security. We assume that the platform resides behind a strict firewall without direct access to the Internet.
We use Git submodules to describe project dependencies and fetch all the code to the local system before building the Docker containers.
Supported Programming Languages and Tools
The execution environment requires a PostgreSQL database to function. While DBMS can be automatically installed as a separate Docker container, it makes little sense with a production database that is usually administered separately. Therefore, a connection to an external DBMS server can be specified as an alternative to the built-in containerized option. Optionally, we support Conda package manager as a runtime environment, hence, individual CWL tools can be written in the R programming language. We also support commands that are executed inside PostgreSQL database, with tools written in one of the languages supported by PostgreSQL runtime including PL/pgSQL. Other languages supported for in-database data manipulation include PL/Tcl, PL/Perl, PL/TclU, PL/PerlU, and PL/PythonU. Such tools can be executed either through a Python wrapper or using psql utility that is by default installed in all containers. It is possible to pre-build multiple Conda environments and/or multiple Python virtual environments in all of the containers. One of the defined environments can be designated as default, though individual workflows have an option to select a different environment for their execution.
Development Mode
In addition to production mode, the platform is designed to be used in development mode. To enable development mode, users can define user projects and place them in a special project subdirectory. User projects can be either connected as Git submodules or copied to project subdirectory with any other utility. They are automatically prebuilt into all of the runtime containers but can also be updated in the running containers without rebuilding. We use user projects to define specific pipelines.
Where it can be deployed
The platform has been deployed in the Harvard University’s FAS RC high-performance computing (HPC) cluster on CentOS 7, on various versions of Ubuntu and in the RedHat OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud. At FAS RC, we use Puppet to provision specific resources, while on IBM cloud, resource provisioning is done with Terraform.