The interface Module

interpolate(data: DataFrame, interpolate_vars: list, method: str, tvar: str, by_var: str, ma_num: int = 4)[source]

General function for calling interpolation. Will be updated as additional interpolation methods are developed

  • data – A pandas data frame, containing geospatial data with missingness included

  • interpolate_vars – list of variable names to interpolate

  • method – A string containing the interpolation method to use. Valid vales: - “ma”: moving average method, see interpolate_ma

  • tvar – variable containing the time dimension

  • by_var – single variable uniquely identifying each spatial division. If this information is contained in more than one variable in the intitial data, a separate ID column should be created.

  • ma_num – Only used when method = “ma”. The default size f the moving average window to use. Defaults to 3.


None, replaces missing values in the data frame in place