Utility to generate test queries
python -m dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test --script SCRIPT [SCRIPT ...]
[--table TABLE]
[--db DB]
[--connection CONNECTION]
Option |
Alias |
Description |
Show this help message and exit |
Path to the file to write the test scripts |
Use autocommit, default: False |
Path to a database connection parameters file, default: database.ini (in the working directory |
Section in the database connection parameters file |
Name of the table to being tested, default: None |
Verbose output, default: False |
.. py:module:: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test
A utility to generate a test based on a sample table.
The tool introspects a table, given as an input and generates a set of queries each of which tests that the data in a certain column has not changed.
The queries are output into a file that can be executed as a single SQL query producing a table with the following columns:
Name of the column being tested
What value is being tested not to change: MD5 hash, number of distinct records, mean value or variance
Whether the value has changed (indicated by string
) or remained the same (indicated by stringpassed
Individual queries are separated by a comment strings:
-- Test case end
-- Test case start
so a test runner can execute them individually if desired
.. py:class:: CType(value) :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test
An enumeration.
.. py:attribute:: CType.categorical :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test :value: ‘categorical’
.. py:attribute:: CType.text :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test :value: ‘text’
.. py:attribute:: CType.integral :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test :value: ‘integral’
.. py:attribute:: CType.numeric :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test :value: ‘numeric’
.. py:attribute:: CType.date :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test :value: ‘date’
.. py:class:: Column(name: str, ctype: ~dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test.CType, is_indexed: bool) :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test
.. py:class:: TableFingerprint(context: ~typing.Optional[~dorieh.platform.dbt.dbt_config.DBTConfig] = None) :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test
.. py:attribute:: TableFingerprint.CATEGORICAL_THRESHOLD :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test :value: 24
.. py:method:: TableFingerprint.get_columns() :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test
.. py:method:: TableFingerprint.get_categories() -> ~typing.List[~dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test.Column] :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test
.. py:method:: TableFingerprint.generate_tests() :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test
.. py:method:: TableFingerprint.test_column(c: ~dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test.Column) :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test
.. py:method:: TableFingerprint.test_case_sql(name: str, test: str, condition: str) -> str :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test
.. py:method:: TableFingerprint.test_exact(sql: str, name: str, test: str) -> str :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test
.. py:method:: TableFingerprint.test_approximate(sql: str, name: str, test: str) -> str :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test
.. py:method:: TableFingerprint.union() :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test
.. py:method:: TableFingerprint.write_test_script() :module: dorieh.platform.dbt.create_test