Example user request for research data

 1### Example user request for data
 3### This request is to provide a dataset extracted from the `climate` knowledge
 4### domain, containing the given variables, with data restricted to a specific
 5### year and month and to certain geographical areas. The data to be packaged
 6### as HDF5. Data should be aggregated by state and date.
 8name: request_148302
 9source: climate
11  - state
12  - sitecode
13  - zip
14  - date
15  - tmmx
16  - rmax
17  - name
19  date:
20    YEAR: 2016
21    MONTH: 1
22  state:
23    - CA
24    - MA
25  name:
26    - Ferndale
27    - Allston
28    - Newton
30  format: hdf5
31  group:
32    - state
33    - date