The mcr_sas2yaml Module

Introspector that looks for all SAS 7BDAT files in a given path matching a given pattern, reads metadata and generates data model for each file in YAML format. the data model is written to the common registry.

class SASIntrospector(registry_path: str, root_dir: str = '.')[source]

Introspector that looks for all SAS 7BDAT files in a given path matching a given pattern, reads metadata and generates data model for each file in YAML format. the data model is written to the common registry.

classmethod process(registry_path: str, pattern: str, root_dir: str = '.')[source]
classmethod matches(s: str, candidates: List[str])[source]
handle(table: str, file_path: str, file_type: str, year: int)[source]
add_sas_table(table: str, file_path: str, index_all: bool, year: int)[source]