Extensions used for creating federated view of different years

Combining multiple sources and optional columns

Source can be an array of columns rather than one column.

The following block will define a column named ssa3. The tool will look for columns named either cnty_cd, or bene_county_cd, or ssa_county to map to the new ssa3 column. If neither of these three columns is found, a new column will be created and filled with NULL values.

Without optional: true, if an appropriate source column is not found, an exception will be raised.

- ssa3:
    optional: true
    description: Social Security Administration (SSA) three digit code for county
    reference: https://www.nber.org/research/data/ssa-federal-information-processing-series-fips-state-and-county-crosswalk
      - cnty_cd
      - bene_county_cd
      - ssa_county


Using exclude can exclude certain tables matching patern from teh federated view.

The following example creates a view by combining all tables matching either cms.mbsf_ab* or cms.mcr_bene_* pattern, but excluding the table named mbsf_ab_2015:

    type: view
      - cms.mbsf_ab*
      - cms.mcr_bene_*
      - mbsf_ab_2015


It is possible to define custom casts from one type to another. When tables to be combined into a single view have columns containing corresponding data but of different types, it is possible to cast all of them to the same type.

In the following example:

- dob:
    type: date
      "character varying": "public.parse_date({column_name})"
      numeric: "to_date(to_char({column_name}, '00000000'), 'YYYYMMDD')"
      *: {column_name}::DATE
  • If a source column is of type DATE, it will be left as is

  • If the source column is of numeric type, the code

    to_date(to_char({column_name}, '00000000'), 'YYYYMMDD')

    will be used to transform the source value

  • If the source column has type character varying, then the function public.parse_date will be called to transform the value

  • For all other types a simple PostgreSQL cast will be attempted