Source code for nsaph_utils.docutils.cwl2md

#  Copyright (c) 2021. Harvard University
#  Developed by Research Software Engineering,
#  Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
#  Authors: Michael Bouzinier, Eugene Pokidov
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import argparse
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import yaml

from nsaph_utils.docutils.md_creator import MDCreator

cwl_src_template = """---
orphan: true

# {name}

```{literalinclude} ../../src/cwl/{path}
language: yaml


logger = logging.getLogger('script')

arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert CWL files into Markdown')
    '-i', '--input-dir', type=str, required=True, dest='input_dir', help='An input dir with CWL files'
    '-o', '--output-dir', type=str, required=True, dest='output_dir', help='An output dir for Markdown files'
arg_parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='An extended logging')

[docs]class CWLParser: def __init__(self, input_file_path: str, output_file_path: str, image_file_path: str): self.input_file_path = input_file_path with open(input_file_path, 'r') as cwl_file: self.raw_content = self.yaml_content = yaml.safe_load(self.raw_content) self.output_file_path = output_file_path self.image_file_path = image_file_path self.md_file = MDCreator(file_name=self.output_file_path) self.sub_workflow_counter = 0
[docs] def parse(self): self._add_title() self._add_source() self._add_image() self._add_contents() self._add_header() self._add_docs() self._add_inputs() self._add_outputs() self._add_steps()
def _add_title(self): title = self._find_title(self.raw_content) or self._get_filename(self.output_file_path.replace('.md', '.cwl')) self.md_file.add_header(text=title, level=1) def _add_source(self): of = self.output_file_path.replace(".md", "") inf = os.path.basename(self.input_file_path) content = cwl_src_template.format(name=inf, path=inf, literalinclude="{literalinclude}") with open(of, "w") as out: out.write(content) self.md_file.add_text("\n [Source code]({}) \n".format( os.path.basename(of) )) @staticmethod def _find_title(content: str) -> Optional[str]: for line in content.splitlines(): if line.startswith('###'): return line.replace('###', '').strip() @staticmethod def _get_filename(file_path: str) -> str: return os.path.split(file_path)[1] def _add_contents(self): contents = [ '```{contents}', '---', 'local:', '---', '```', ] self.md_file.add_text('\n'.join(contents)) def _add_image(self): if 'workflow' not in self.yaml_content['class'].lower(): return f'cwl-runner --print-dot {self.input_file_path} | dot -Tpng > {self.image_file_path}', shell=True ) filename = self.image_file_path.split(os.path.sep)[-1] self.md_file.add_image(filename) def _add_header(self): if "expressiontool" in self.yaml_content['class'].lower(): header = '**JavaScript Tool** ' elif 'tool' in self.yaml_content['class'].lower(): header = '**Tool**. Runs: ' + self._extract_tool(str(self.yaml_content['baseCommand'])) elif 'workflow' in self.yaml_content['class'].lower(): header = '**Workflow**' else: header = '**Unknown class**' self.md_file.add_text(header) def _extract_tool(self, base_command: str) -> str: tool = base_command.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace("'", '').split(', ')[-1] pp = tool.split('.') docroot = os.path.join("..", "..", "..") docpath = os.path.join("doc", "members") d = os.path.dirname(self.output_file_path) if pp[0] == "nsaph": docdir = "core-platform" elif pp[0] == "nsaph_utils": docdir = "utils" elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(d ,docroot, pp[0])): docdir = pp[0] else: return tool doc = os.path.join(docroot, docdir, docpath, pp[-1]) return f'[{tool}]({doc})' def _add_docs(self): if 'doc' not in self.yaml_content: return self.md_file.add_header(text='Description', level=2) self.md_file.add_text(self.yaml_content['doc']) def _add_inputs(self): self.md_file.add_header(text='Inputs', level=2) data = [('Name', 'Type', 'Default', 'Description')] for name, arg in self.yaml_content['inputs'].items(): doc = tp = df = '' if isinstance(arg, str): doc = name tp = arg.replace('?', '') df = None elif isinstance(arg, dict): doc = arg.get('doc', ' ').replace('\n', ' ') tp = arg.get('type', 'string') df = arg.get('default', None) df = f'`{df}`' if df else ' ' data.append((name, tp, df, doc)) self.md_file.add_table(data=data) def _add_outputs(self): self.md_file.add_header(text='Outputs', level=2) data = [('Name', 'Type', 'Description')] for name, arg in self.yaml_content['outputs'].items(): doc = arg.get('doc', ' ').replace('\n', ' ') tp = arg.get('type', 'string') if isinstance(tp, str): tp = tp.replace('?', '') elif isinstance(tp, dict): tp = tp['type'] data.append((name, tp, doc)) self.md_file.add_table(data=data) def _add_steps(self): if 'steps' not in self.yaml_content: return self.md_file.add_header(text='Steps', level=2) data = [('Name', 'Runs', 'Description')] for item in self.yaml_content['steps']: if isinstance(item, dict): name = item['id'] arg = item else: name = item arg = self.yaml_content['steps'][name] doc = arg.get('doc', ' ').replace('\n', ' ') runs = arg['run'] if isinstance(runs, str): ref_uri = runs.replace('.cwl', '.md') target = f'[{runs}]({ref_uri})' elif runs.get('class').lower() == 'workflow': file_name = self._handle_sub_workflow(name, runs) target = f"[sub-workflow]({file_name})" elif runs.get('class').lower() == 'expressiontool': target = "Evaluates JavaScript expression" else: target = runs.get('baseCommand', 'command') data.append((name, target, doc)) self.md_file.add_table(data=data) def _handle_sub_workflow(self, workflow_name: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: prepared_data = { **data, 'cwlVersion': self.yaml_content['cwlVersion'], 'requirements': self.yaml_content['requirements'], } pipeline_file_name = self._get_filename(self.input_file_path) header = f'### Sub-workflow *{workflow_name}* from {pipeline_file_name} \n\n' source_dir, basename = os.path.split(self.input_file_path) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', dir=source_dir, suffix=basename) as temp_file: temp_file.write(header) yaml.safe_dump(prepared_data, temp_file) self.sub_workflow_counter += 1 output_file_path = self.output_file_path.replace('.md', f'_{self.sub_workflow_counter}.md') image_file_path = self.output_file_path.replace('.md', f'_{self.sub_workflow_counter}.png') CWLParser(, output_file_path, image_file_path).parse() return self._get_filename(output_file_path)
[docs]def main(): args = arg_parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if os.path.isdir(args.input_dir): cwl_files = [ os.path.join(os.path.abspath(args.input_dir), file_name) for file_name in os.listdir(args.input_dir) ] elif os.path.isfile(args.input_dir): cwl_files = [args.input_dir] else: raise ValueError("No such file or directory: " + args.input_dir) for input_file_path in cwl_files: if os.path.splitext(input_file_path)[1].lower() != '.cwl': continue file_name = os.path.basename(input_file_path) output_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(args.output_dir), file_name.replace('.cwl', '.md')) image_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(args.output_dir), file_name.replace('.cwl', '.png')) CWLParser(input_file_path, output_file_path, image_file_path).parse()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()