Source code for nsaph_gis.compute_shape

This module processes layers of data containing geographic coordinates
and observed values for a certain parameter (band)
and returns records containing
an identifier for a geographic shape and the value of the band
aggregated over the shape.
import os.path
import sys
#  Copyright (c) 2021. Harvard University
#  Developed by Research Software Engineering,
#  Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
#  Author: Michael A Bouzinier
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, List, Callable, Dict

import rasterio
from rasterstats import zonal_stats, gen_zonal_stats
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
import shapefile

from nsaph_utils.utils.profile_utils import mem, qmem, qqmem
from .constants import RasterizationStrategy, Geography

NO_DATA = 32767.0  # The default value filled in masked arrays in NetCDF files
# for the masked cells
# This value is overridden if it is defined by a property "missing_value"
# in the metadata of the NetCDF file

[docs]@dataclass class Record: value: Optional[float] prop: str
[docs]@dataclass class MultiRecord: values: List[Optional[float]] prop: str
[docs]class StatsCounter: statistics = "mean" max_mem_used = 0
[docs] @classmethod def get_key_for_geography(cls, shpfile: str, geography: Geography) -> Tuple: shape = shapefile.Reader(shpfile) fields = [f[0] for f in shape.fields] if geography == key = cls._determine_zip_key(fields) elif geography == Geography.zcta: key = cls._determine_zcta_key(fields) elif geography == Geography.county: key = cls._determine_county_key(fields) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported geography: " + str(geography)) return key
[docs] @classmethod def prepare_stats(cls, strategy: RasterizationStrategy, shpfile: str, affine: rasterio.Affine, layer: Iterable, no_data, is_generator: bool) -> List: """ Given a layer, i.e. a slice of a dataframe, and a shapefile returns an iterable of records, containing aggregated values of the observations over the shapes in the shapefile. :param no_data: Value taht is treated as missing value :param strategy: Rasterization strategy to be used :param shpfile: A path to shapefile to be used :param affine: An optional affine transformation to be applied to the coordinates :param layer: A slice of dataframe, containing coordinates and values :return: A list of statistics compute objects """ if is_generator: stats_function: Callable = gen_zonal_stats else: stats_function: Callable = zonal_stats non_all_touched_strategies = [ RasterizationStrategy.default, RasterizationStrategy.combined, RasterizationStrategy.downscale, ] all_touched_strategies = [ RasterizationStrategy.all_touched,, RasterizationStrategy.combined, ] stats = [] if strategy in non_all_touched_strategies: stats.append( stats_function( shpfile, layer, stats=cls.statistics, affine=affine, geojson_out=True, all_touched=False, nodata=no_data, ) ) if strategy in all_touched_strategies: stats.append( stats_function( shpfile, layer, stats=cls.statistics, affine=affine, geojson_out=True, all_touched=True, nodata=no_data, ) ) return stats
[docs] @classmethod def process( cls, strategy: RasterizationStrategy, shpfile: str, affine: rasterio.Affine, layer: Iterable, geography: Geography, no_data=None ) -> Iterable[Record]: """ Given a layer, i.e. a slice of a dataframe, and a shapefile returns an iterable of records, containing aggregated values of the observations over the shapes in the shapefile. :param no_data: Values that is treated as missing value :param strategy: Rasterization strategy to be used :param shpfile: A path to shapefile to be used :param affine: An optional affine transformation to be applied to the coordinates :param layer: A slice of dataframe, containing coordinates and values :param geography: WHat type of geography is to be used: zip codes or counties :return: An iterable of records, containing an identifier of a certain shape with the aggregated value of the observation for this shape """ if no_data is None: no_data = NO_DATA key = cls.get_key_for_geography(shpfile, geography) stats = cls.prepare_stats( strategy, shpfile, affine, layer, no_data, True ) n = 0 step = 100 if len(stats) == 2: # Combined strategy iterator = zip(stats[0], stats[1]) zipped = True else: iterator = stats[0] zipped = False label = os.path.basename(shpfile) cls.max_mem_used = 0 pid = os.getpid() with tqdm( file=sys.stdout, desc=f"Aggregating over {label} using '{strategy.value}' strategy" ) as pbar: for s in iterator: if zipped: s1, s2 = s record = cls._combine(key, s1, s2) else: if isinstance(cls.statistics, list): values = [ s['properties'][stat] for stat in cls.statistics ] mean = ':'.join([ "{}={}".format(cls.statistics[i], str(values[i])) for i in range(len(cls.statistics)) ]) else: mean = s['properties'][cls.statistics] props = [s['properties'][subkey] for subkey in key] prop = "".join(props) record = Record(value=mean, prop=prop) m = qqmem(pid) if m > cls.max_mem_used: cls.max_mem_used = m if (n % step) == 0: m = mem() if m > cls.max_mem_used: cls.max_mem_used = m pbar.update(step) if (n % step) == 0: pbar.update(step) n += 1 yield record
[docs] @classmethod def process_layers( cls, strategy: RasterizationStrategy, shpfile: str, affine: rasterio.Affine, layers: List[Iterable], geography: Geography ) -> Iterable[MultiRecord]: """ Given a layer, i.e. a slice of a dataframe, and a shapefile returns an iterable of records, containing aggregated values of the observations over the shapes in the shapefile. :param strategy: Rasterization strategy to be used :param shpfile: A path to shapefile to be used :param affine: An optional affine transformation to be applied to the coordinates :param layers: A list of slices of dataframe, containing coordinates and values :param geography: WHat type of geography is to be used: zip codes or counties :return: An iterable of records, containing an identifier of a certain shape with the aggregated value of the observation for this shape """ if strategy == RasterizationStrategy.combined: raise IncompatibleArgumentsError( "Combining all_tocuhed with default and multiple " "variables is not implemented" ) key = cls.get_key_for_geography(shpfile, geography) stats = ( cls.prepare_stats(strategy, shpfile, affine, layer, NO_DATA, True)[0] for layer in layers ) n = 0 step = 10 iterator = zip(*stats) label = os.path.basename(shpfile) cls.max_mem_used = 0 pid = os.getpid() with tqdm( file=sys.stdout, desc=f"Aggregating over {label} using '{strategy.value}' strategy" ) as pbar: for ss in iterator: means = [s['properties'][cls.statistics] for s in ss] props_array = [ [ s['properties'][subkey] for subkey in key ] for s in ss ] props = {"".join(p) for p in props_array} if len(props) != 1: raise AggregationError("Conflicting geo ids: " + str(props)) prop = next(iter(props)) record = MultiRecord(values=means, prop=prop) m = qqmem(pid) if m > cls.max_mem_used: cls.max_mem_used = m if (n % step) == 0: m = mem() if m > cls.max_mem_used: cls.max_mem_used = m pbar.update(step) n += 1 yield record
[docs] @classmethod def process_layers_return_dict( cls, strategy: RasterizationStrategy, shpfile: str, affine: rasterio.Affine, layers: List[Iterable], geography: Geography ) -> Dict[str, MultiRecord]: """ Given a layer, i.e. a slice of a dataframe, and a shapefile returns an iterable of records, containing aggregated values of the observations over the shapes in the shapefile. :param strategy: Rasterization strategy to be used :param shpfile: A path to shapefile to be used :param affine: An optional affine transformation to be applied to the coordinates :param layers: A list of slices of dataframe, containing coordinates and values :param geography: WHat type of geography is to be used: zip codes or counties :return: A List of records, containing an identifier of a certain shape with the aggregated value of the observation for this shape """ key = cls.get_key_for_geography(shpfile, geography) records = dict() for l1 in range(len(layers)): layer = layers[l1] stats = cls.prepare_stats(strategy, shpfile, affine, layer, NO_DATA, False) for i in range(len(stats[0])): if len(stats) == 2: # Combined strategy mean, prop = cls._combine(key, stats[0][i], stats[1][i]) else: mean = stats[0][i]['properties'][cls.statistics] props = [stats[0][i]['properties'][subkey] for subkey in key] prop = "".join(props) if prop in records: record = records[prop] else: record = MultiRecord([None for _ in range(l1)], prop) records[prop] = record record.values.append(mean) print('*', end=None) print() return records
@classmethod def _determine_zip_key(cls, row) -> Tuple: candidates = ["ZIP"] return cls._determine_key(row, candidates), @classmethod def _determine_zcta_key(cls, row) -> Tuple: candidates = ["ZCTA5", "ZCTA5CE00", "ZCTA5CE10", "ZCTA5CE20"] return cls._determine_key(row, candidates), @classmethod def _determine_county_key(cls, row) -> Tuple: candidates = ["COUNTY", "COUNTYFP"] c = cls._determine_key(row, candidates) s = cls._determine_key(row, ["STATE", "STATEFP"]) return s, c @staticmethod def _determine_key(row, candidates) -> str: props = None for candidate in candidates: if isinstance(row, dict): if candidate in row['properties']: return candidate props = str([key for key in row['properties']]) elif isinstance(row, list): if candidate in row: return candidate props = row else: raise ValueError("Unknown type of row: " + str(row)) raise ValueError( f"None of the expected properties found ('{candidates}'). " + f"Available: '{props}'" ) @classmethod def _combine(cls, key, r1, r2) -> Record: prop1 = "".join([r1['properties'][subkey] for subkey in key]) prop2 = "".join([r2['properties'][subkey] for subkey in key]) assert prop1 == prop2 m1 = r1['properties'][cls.statistics] m2 = r2['properties'][cls.statistics] if m1 and m2: mean = (m1 + m2) / 2 elif m2: mean = m2 elif m1: raise AssertionError("m1 && !m2") else: mean = None return Record(value=mean, prop=prop1)
[docs]class AggregationError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class IncompatibleArgumentsError(NotImplementedError): pass