Source code for nsaph.util.pg_json_dump

A command line utility to import/export JSON files as database tables

#  Copyright (c) 2021. Harvard University
#  Developed by Research Software Engineering,
#  Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
#  Author: Michael A Bouzinier
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import decimal
import gzip
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from contextlib import contextmanager
from numbers import Number
from typing import Dict, List
from psycopg2.extras import RealDictCursor
from psycopg2.extensions import connection

from nsaph import init_logging
from nsaph.util.resources import get_resources, get_resource_dir, name2path
from nsaph.db import Connection
from nsaph.fips import fips_dict

[docs]def fqn(conn: connection, table: str) -> str: if '.' not in table: sql = """ SELECT table_schema FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = '{}' """.format(table) with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql) rows = [row for row in cursor] if len(rows) < 1: raise Exception("Table {} not found".format(table)) elif len(rows) > 1: raise Exception("Multiple tables {}: {}".format(table, ', '.join(rows))) schema = rows[0][0] table = "{schema}.{table}".format(schema=schema, table=table) return table
[docs]def quote(x): if isinstance(x, Number): return str(x) return "'{}'".format(str(x).replace("'", "''"))
[docs]def flush(cursor, table, rows): if not rows: return columns = [column for column in rows[0]] sql = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES \n\t".format(table, ','.join(columns)) values = [ "({})".format(','.join([ quote(row[column]) if row[column] is not None else "NULL" for column in columns ])) for row in rows ] sql += ",\n\t".join(values) try: cursor.execute(sql) except: logging.error(sql) raise
[docs]@contextmanager def result_set(conn: connection, table: str): sql = "SELECT * FROM " + table with conn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute(sql) yield cursor
[docs]def dump(conn: connection, table: str, fd, corrector = None): with result_set(conn, table) as rs: for row in rs: if corrector: corrector(row) for key in row: if isinstance(row[key], decimal.Decimal): row[key] = float(row[key]) print(json.dumps(row), file=fd)
[docs]def export(conn: connection, table: str): if table == "us_states": corrector = add_state_fips else: corrector = None table = fqn(conn, table) resource = os.path.join( get_resource_dir(), name2path(table) ) data_path = resource + ".json.gz" with, "wt") as fd: dump(conn, table, fd, corrector)"Exported table {} to {}.".format(table, data_path))
[docs]def ensure(conn: connection, table: str): if '.' not in table: table = "public." + table SQL = """ SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = '{}' ) """ sql = SQL.format(table.split('.')[-1]) with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql) for row in cursor: if row[0]:"True") return import_table(conn=conn, table=table, replace=False)
[docs]def populate(cursor, table, data_path): n = 0 with, "rt") as fd: rows = [] for line in fd: rows.append(json.loads(line)) n += 1 if len(rows) > 100: flush(cursor, table, rows) rows.clear() if (n % 10000) == 0: print('*', end="") if len(rows) > 0: flush(cursor, table, rows)"Inserted: {:d} records into {}".format(n, table))
[docs]def import_table(conn: connection, table: str, replace = True): if '.' not in table: table = "public." + table if replace: sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {} CASCADE".format(table) with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql) resource = get_resources(table) ddl_path = resource['ddl'] with open(ddl_path) as f: ddl = ''.join([ line for line in f ]) data_path = resource["json.gz"] with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(ddl) populate(cursor, table, data_path) return
[docs]def add_state_fips(row: Dict): if row.get("fips2"): return fips= fips_dict[row["state_id"]] row["fips2"] = "{:02d}".format(fips)
[docs]def show(conn: connection, table: str): if table == "us_states": corrector = add_state_fips else: corrector = None dump(conn, table, sys.stdout, corrector)
if __name__ == '__main__': init_logging() parser = ArgumentParser (description="Import/Export resources") parser.add_argument("--table", "-t", help="Name of the table to load data into", required=False) parser.add_argument("--db", help="Path to a database connection parameters file", default="database.ini", required=False) parser.add_argument("--connection", help="Section in the database connection parameters file", default="nsaph2", required=False) parser.add_argument("--action", help="Action to perform", required=True) arguments = parser.parse_args() action = locals()[arguments.action] with Connection(arguments.db, arguments.connection) as db: action(db, arguments.table) db.commit()