Source code for nsaph.util.pg_export_parquet

A command line utility to export results of SQL query as Parquet files
import copy
import decimal
import logging
import os.path
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, Callable, Optional, List, Tuple

#  Copyright (c) 2021. Harvard University
#  Developed by Research Software Engineering,
#  Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
#  Author: Michael A Bouzinier
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.dataset as ds
from psycopg2.extras import RealDictCursor
from psycopg2.extensions import connection
from contextlib import contextmanager

from pyarrow import RecordBatch
from pyarrow.dataset import Scanner

from nsaph import init_logging
from nsaph.db import Connection
from nsaph.util.query_builder import QueryBuilder
from nsaph_utils.utils.profile_utils import qmem
from nsaph_utils.utils.io_utils import sizeof_fmt

[docs]@contextmanager def result_set(conn: connection, sql: str, cursor_name: str, batch_size: int): with conn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor, name=cursor_name) as cursor: cursor.itersize = batch_size cursor.execute(sql) yield cursor
[docs]def index_of(text: str, token: str): return text.lower().find(token.lower())
[docs]class PgPqBase(ABC): def __init__(self, cnxn: connection, sql: str, destination: str): self.batch_size = 2000 self.sql = sql self.connection = cnxn self.destination = destination self.partition_columns = [] self.cur_partition = {} self.transformer: Optional[Callable] = None self.parquet_partitioning = None self.count = 0 self.count_batches = 0 self.column_types: Optional[Dict] = None self.schema: Optional[pa.Schema] = None self.max_mem = 0 self.max_pa_mem = 0 return
[docs] def setup_schema(self): schema = [] for c in self.get_metadata(): schema.append((c[0], self.type_pg2pq(c[1]))) self.column_types = { s[0]: s[1] for s in schema } self.schema = pa.schema(schema)"Metdata and schema has been set up")
[docs] @staticmethod def type_pg2pq(vtype: str): if vtype in ['int2', 'int4', 'int8']: pa_type = pa.int32() elif vtype.startswith("int"): pa_type = pa.int64() elif vtype in ["str", "varchar", "text"]: pa_type = pa.string() elif vtype.startswith("float") or vtype in ["numeric"]: pa_type = pa.float64() elif vtype in ["date"]: pa_type = pa.date32() elif vtype in ["time"]: pa_type = pa.date64() elif vtype in ["timestamp"]: pa_type = pa.timestamp('ns') else: pa_type = pa.string() return pa_type
[docs] def metadata_sql(self) -> str: idx = self.sql.lower().find("limit") if idx < 0: return self.sql + "\nLIMIT 0" i = idx for c in self.sql[idx + 5:]: if c.isdigit() or c.isspace(): i += 1 continue break sql = self.sql[:idx] + "LIMIT 0" + self.sql[i:] return sql
[docs] def get_metadata(self) -> List[Tuple]: with self.connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(self.metadata_sql()) columns = [(, desc.type_code) for desc in cursor.description] type_codes = list({str(c[1]) for c in columns}) in_clause = "(" + ','.join(type_codes) + ")" cursor.execute("SELECT oid, typname FROM pg_type WHERE oid in " + in_clause) mapping = {int(row[0]): row[1] for row in cursor} return [ (c[0], mapping[c[1]].lower()) for c in columns ]
[docs] def set_partitioning(self, columns: List[str]): types = [] for c in columns: self.partition_columns.append(c) pa_type = self.column_types[c] types.append(pa_type) self.cur_partition = { p: None for p in self.partition_columns } self.parquet_partitioning = ds.partitioning( pa.schema([ (self.partition_columns[i], types[i]) for i in range(len(types)) ]), flavor="hive" )
[docs] @abstractmethod def export(self): pass
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls): parser = ArgumentParser (description="Import/Export resources") parser.add_argument("--sql", "-s", help="SQL Query or a path to a file containing SQL query", required=False) parser.add_argument("--schema", help="Export all columns for all tables in the given schema", required=False) parser.add_argument("--table", "-t", help="Export all columns a given table (fully qualified name required)", required=False) parser.add_argument("--partition", "-p", help="Columns to be used for partitioning", nargs='+', required=False) parser.add_argument("--output", "--destination", "-o", help="Path to a directory, where the files will be exported", required=True) parser.add_argument("--db", help="Path to a database connection parameters file", default="database.ini", required=True) parser.add_argument("--connection", "-c", help="Section in the database connection parameters file", default="nsaph2", required=True) parser.add_argument("--batch_size", "-b", help="The size of a single batch", default=2000, type=int, required=False) parser.add_argument("--hard", help="Hard partitioning: execute separate SQL statement for each partition", action='store_true' ) arguments = parser.parse_args() if arguments.sql and (arguments.table or arguments.schema): raise ValueError("Only one type of argument is accepted: sql, schema or table") if arguments.sql: if os.path.isfile(arguments.sql): with open(arguments.sql) as inp: sql = '\n'.join([line for line in inp]) else: sql = arguments.sql cls.export_sql(arguments, sql) elif arguments.table and arguments.schema: raise ValueError("Only one type of argument is accepted: sql, schema or table") elif arguments.table: cls.export_table(arguments, arguments.table) elif arguments.schema: cls.export_schema(arguments) else: raise ValueError("Either of: sql, schema or table is required")"All done!")
[docs] @classmethod def export_sql(cls, arguments, sql): with Connection(arguments.db, arguments.connection) as db: if arguments.hard: instance = PgPqPartitionedQuery(db, sql, arguments.output, arguments.partition) else: instance = PgPqSingleQuery(db, sql, arguments.output, mode="error") if arguments.partition: instance.set_partitioning(arguments.partition) instance.export()
[docs] @classmethod def export_table(cls, arguments, table: str):"Exporting: " + table) with Connection(arguments.db, arguments.connection) as cnxn: query_builder = QueryBuilder(cnxn).add_table(table) sql = query_builder.query() cls.export_sql(arguments, sql)"Exporting: " + table + " DONE")
[docs] @classmethod def export_schema(cls, arguments): with Connection(arguments.db, arguments.connection) as cnxn: tables = QueryBuilder.get_tables(cnxn, arguments.schema) for table in tables: a = copy.deepcopy(arguments) t = table.split('.')[-1] a.output = os.path.join(arguments.output, t) cls.export_table(a, table)
[docs]class PgPqSingleQuery(PgPqBase): def __init__(self, cnxn: connection, sql: str, destination: str, mode: str, schema: pa.Schema = None): super().__init__(cnxn, sql, destination) self.cursor_name = "parquet_query_" + str(\ .replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_').replace(':', '_').replace('.', '_') self.mode = mode self.partition: Optional[List[str]] = None if schema: self.schema = schema else: self.setup_schema() return
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_value(v): if isinstance(v, decimal.Decimal): return float(v) return v
[docs] def transform(self, row: Dict) -> Dict: if self.transformer: row = self.transformer(row) return {p: self.normalize_value(row[p]) for p in row}
[docs] def set_partitioning(self, columns: List[str], values:Optional[List] = None): super().set_partitioning(columns) self.partition = values return
[docs] def export(self): self.count = 0"Starting export.") scanner = Scanner.from_batches(source=self.batches(), schema = self.schema) ds.write_dataset( data=scanner, base_dir=self.destination, partitioning=self.parquet_partitioning, format="parquet", existing_data_behavior=self.mode )"The data has been exported. Total records: {self.count}. " + f"Max memory used: {sizeof_fmt(self.max_mem)}; " + f"Max PyArrow memory: {sizeof_fmt(self.max_pa_mem)}") return
[docs] def batch(self, data: List[Dict]): if self.count_batches == 0:"Received the first batch of {str(len(data))} records.") self.count += len(data) self.count_batches += 1 imem = qmem() bmem = pa.total_allocated_bytes() if imem > self.max_mem: self.max_mem = imem if bmem > self.max_pa_mem: self.max_pa_mem = bmem if self.batch_size > 100000 or (self.count_batches % 100) == 0: mem = sizeof_fmt(imem) pmem = sizeof_fmt(bmem) f"Received the {self.count_batches}-th batch of {len(data)} records. " + f"Total count: {self.count}. Memory: total: {mem}; PyArrow: {pmem}" ) return RecordBatch.from_pylist(mapping=data, schema=self.schema)
[docs] def batches(self): with result_set(self.connection, self.sql, self.cursor_name, self.batch_size) as rs: data = [] for row in rs: if len(data) >= self.batch_size: yield self.batch(data) data.clear() data.append(self.transform(row)) yield self.batch(data)
[docs]class PgPqPartitionedQuery(PgPqBase): def __init__(self, cnxn: connection, sql: str, destination: str, partition: List[str]): super().__init__(cnxn, sql, destination) self.partitions: List[Dict] = [] self.setup_schema() self.set_partitioning(partition) return
[docs] @staticmethod def qualify_column(sql: str, column: str, idx_select: int): i2 = index_of(sql, column) if i2 < 0: raise ValueError(f"Column {column} not found in SELECT clause") if i2 < idx_select: raise ValueError(f"Column {column} is found before SELECT clause") i = i2 - 1 while sql[i].isspace(): i -= 1 if sql[i] == '.': j = i - 1 while sql[j].isspace(): j -= 1 while sql[j].isalnum(): j -= 1 qualifier = sql[j:i].strip() return f"{qualifier}.{column}" else: return column
[docs] def set_partition_values(self): i1 = index_of(self.sql, "select") if i1 < 0: raise ValueError("No SELECT clause") columns = [ self.qualify_column(self.sql, c, i1) for c in self.partition_columns ] select = ','.join(columns) i3 = index_of(self.sql, "from") if i3 < 0: raise ValueError("No FROM clause") from_clause = self.sql[i3:] sql = f""" SELECT distinct {select} {from_clause} """ with self.connection.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute(sql) values = [row for row in cursor]"Retrieved {len(values)} values for columns {select}") self.partitions = values
[docs] def set_partitioning(self, partition: List[str]): super().set_partitioning(partition) self.set_partition_values() return
[docs] def export(self): self.count = 0 i1 = index_of(self.sql, "select") for partition in self.partitions: where = " AND ".join( f"{self.qualify_column(self.sql, column, i1)}={partition[column]}" for column in partition ) sql = self.sql + "\nWHERE " + where executor = PgPqSingleQuery(self.connection, sql, self.destination, "delete_matching", self.schema) executor.parquet_partitioning = self.parquet_partitioning"Fetching partition: " + where) executor.export() self.count += executor.count if executor.max_mem > self.max_mem: self.max_mem = executor.max_mem if executor.max_pa_mem > self.max_pa_mem: self.max_pa_mem = executor.max_pa_mem"Done partition: {where}. Exported records: {executor.count}. Total records: {self.count}")"All partitions have been exported. Total records: {self.count}. " + f"Max memory used: {sizeof_fmt(self.max_mem)}; " + f"Max PyArrow memory: {sizeof_fmt(self.max_pa_mem)}") return
if __name__ == '__main__': init_logging()