Source code for nsaph.loader.introspector

This module introspects columnar data to infer the types of
the columns
#  Copyright (c) 2021. Harvard University
#  Developed by Research Software Engineering,
#  Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
#  Author: Michael A Bouzinier
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import csv
import datetime
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import tarfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, Callable, List, Union, Optional

import numbers
import yaml
from nsaph_utils.utils.io_utils import fopen, SpecialValues, is_dir, get_entries
from sas7bdat import SAS7BDAT

from nsaph.pg_keywords import *
from nsaph_utils.utils.pyfst import FSTReader

PG_MAXINT = 2147483647

integer = re.compile("-?\d+")
float_number = re.compile("(-?\d*)\.(\d+)([e|E][-|+]?\d+)?")
exponent = re.compile("(-?\d+)([e|E][-|+]?\d+)")
_date = "([12]\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))"
date = re.compile(_date)
timestamp = re.compile(_date + "[T|t][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}")

[docs]class Introspector:
[docs] @staticmethod def load_range(n, f) -> int: for i in range(0, n): try: f() except StopIteration: return i return n
[docs] @staticmethod def name(path) -> str: if isinstance(path, tarfile.TarInfo): full_name = else: full_name = str(path) #name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(full_name)) return full_name
[docs] @staticmethod def csv_reader(data, unquote = True): if unquote: q = csv.QUOTE_ALL else: q = csv.QUOTE_NONE return csv.reader(data, quotechar='"', delimiter=',', quoting=q, skipinitialspace=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def unquote(s: str) -> str: return s.strip().strip('"')
def __init__(self, data_file: str, column_name_replacement: Dict = None): self.entries = None self.lines_to_load = 10000 if is_dir(data_file): self.entries, self.open_entry_function = get_entries(data_file) else: self.open_entry_function = lambda x: fopen(x, "rt") self.file_path = data_file self.has_commas = False self.quoted_values = False self.sql_columns = [] self.csv_columns = [] self.types = [] self.descriptions = None self.column_map = column_name_replacement \ if column_name_replacement else dict() self.appended_columns = [] return
[docs] def fopen(self, source): entry = self.open_entry_function(source) return entry
[docs] def handle_csv(self, entry): rows, lines = self.load_csv(entry) for row in rows: for cell in row: if isinstance(cell, str) and ',' in cell: self.has_commas = True break if not rows: raise Exception("No data in {}".format(self.file_path)) self.guess_types(rows, lines)
[docs] def handle_json(self, entry): rows = self.load_json(entry) if not rows: raise Exception("No data in {}".format(self.file_path)) m = len(rows) n = len(self.csv_columns) scale = 0 precision = 0 for c in range(0, n): c_type = None max_val = 0 for l in range(0, m): v = rows[l][c] if v is None: continue if isinstance(v, int): t = PG_INT_TYPE max_val = max(max_val, v) elif isinstance(v, float): t = PG_NUMERIC_TYPE elif isinstance(v, str): t, scale, precision, max_val = self.guess_str( v, None, scale, precision, max_val ) else: raise ValueError(v) try: c_type = self.reconcile(t, c_type) except InconsistentTypes: msg = "Inconsistent type for column {:d} [{:s}]. " \ .format(c + 1, self.csv_columns[c]) msg += "Up to line {:d}: {:s}, for line={:d}: {:s}. " \ .format(l - 1, c_type, l, t) msg += "Value = {}".format(v) raise Exception(msg) self.types.append(self.db_type(c_type, max_val, precision, scale)) return
[docs] @classmethod def sas2db_type(cls, column, rows): if column.type == "number": values = [row[column.col_id] for row in rows] is_date = all([isinstance(v, or v is None for v in values]) if is_date: return PG_DATE_TYPE is_ts = all([isinstance(v, datetime.datetime) or v is None for v in values]) if is_ts: return PG_TS_TYPE max_value = max(values) is_int = all([isinstance(v, numbers.Integral) or v is None for v in values]) t = PG_INT_TYPE if is_int else PG_NUMERIC_TYPE return cls.db_type(t, max_value, None, None) if column.type == "string": return "{}({:d})".format(PG_STR_TYPE, column.length) raise ValueError("Unknown SAS datatype: {}".format(column.type))
[docs] def handle_sas(self, entry): reader = SAS7BDAT(entry, skip_header=True) rows = self.load_sas(reader) sas_columns = reader.columns self.csv_columns = ["utf-8") for column in sas_columns ] self.descriptions = [ column.label.decode("utf-8") for column in sas_columns ] self.types = [self.sas2db_type(column, rows) for column in sas_columns]
[docs] def introspect(self, entry=None): if not entry: if self.entries is not None: entry = self.entries[0] else: entry = self.file_path"Using for data analysis: " + if ".json" in self.handle_json(entry) elif".sas7bdat"): self.handle_sas(entry) else: self.handle_csv(entry) self.sql_columns = [] for i, c in enumerate(self.csv_columns): if not c: self.append_sql_column("Col{:03d}".format(i+1)) elif c.lower() in self.column_map: self.append_sql_column(self.column_map[c.lower()]) else: if c[0].isdigit(): c = "c_" + c self.append_sql_column( c.replace('.', '_') .replace(' ', '_') .lower() ) return
[docs] def append_sql_column(self, name: str): fmt = "{}_{:03d}" if name in self.sql_columns: n = len(self.sql_columns) i = self.sql_columns.index(name) self.sql_columns[i] = fmt.format(name, i+1) name = fmt.format(name, n) self.sql_columns.append(name) return
[docs] def load_csv(self, entry) -> (List[List[str]], List[List[str]]): if isinstance(entry, str) and entry.lower().endswith(".fst"): return self.load_fst(entry) with self.fopen(entry) as data: reader = self.csv_reader(data, True) row = next(reader) self.csv_columns = [self.unquote(c) for c in row] rows = [] self.load_range(self.lines_to_load, lambda : rows.append(next(reader))) with self.fopen(entry) as data: reader = self.csv_reader(data, False) next(reader) lines = [] self.load_range(self.lines_to_load, lambda : lines.append(next(reader))) return rows, lines
[docs] def load_fst(self, entry) -> (List[List[str]], List[List[str]]): with FSTReader(entry, buffer_size=self.lines_to_load + 10) as reader: self.csv_columns = [c for c in reader.columns] rows = [] self.load_range(self.lines_to_load, lambda : rows.append(next(reader))) lines = None return rows, lines
[docs] def load_sas(self, reader: SAS7BDAT) -> List[List]: rows = [] for row in reader: rows.append(row) if len(rows) >= self.lines_to_load: break return rows
[docs] def load_json(self, entry) -> List[List]: headers = OrderedDict() records = [] counter = 0 with self.fopen(entry) as data: for line in data: record = json.loads(line) for h in record: if h not in headers: headers[h] = 1 records.append(record) counter += 1 if counter > self.lines_to_load: break self.csv_columns = list(headers.keys()) rows = [ [record.get(h, None) for h in self.csv_columns] for record in records ] return rows
[docs] def guess_str(self, v, v2: Optional[str], scale, precision, max_val): if timestamp.fullmatch(v): t = PG_TS_TYPE elif date.fullmatch(v): t = PG_DATE_TYPE elif v2 and v2 == '"{}"'.format(v): t = PG_STR_TYPE self.quoted_values = True elif SpecialValues.is_untyped(v): t = "0" else: f = float_number.fullmatch(v) if f: t = PG_NUMERIC_TYPE s = len( p = len( scale = max(scale, s) precision = max(precision, p) elif exponent.fullmatch(v): t = PG_NUMERIC_TYPE elif integer.fullmatch(v): t = PG_INT_TYPE max_val = max(max_val, abs(int(v))) else: t = PG_STR_TYPE if t == PG_STR_TYPE: max_val = max(max_val, len(v)) return t, scale, precision, max_val
[docs] def guess_types(self, rows: list, lines: list): m = len(rows) n = len(rows[0]) self.types.clear() for c in range(0, n): c_type = None precision = 0 scale = 0 max_val = 0 for l in range(0, m): cell = rows[l][c] if isinstance(cell, numbers.Number): if isinstance(cell, numbers.Integral): t = PG_INT_TYPE else: t = PG_NUMERIC_TYPE elif SpecialValues.is_missing(cell): t = "0" else: v = cell.strip() if lines: try: v2 = lines[l][c].strip() except: v2 = None else: v2 = None t, scale, precision, max_val = \ self.guess_str(v, v2, scale, precision, max_val) if t == "0": continue try: c_type = self.reconcile(t, c_type) except InconsistentTypes: msg = "Inconsistent type for column {:d} [{:s}]. " \ .format(c + 1, self.csv_columns[c]) msg += "Up to line {:d}: {:s}, for line={:d}: {:s}. " \ .format(l - 1, c_type, l, t) msg += "Value = {}".format(cell) raise Exception(msg) self.types.append(self.db_type(c_type, max_val, precision, scale)) return
[docs] @staticmethod def reconcile(cell_type, column_type) -> str: if column_type == "0": column_type = cell_type elif column_type == PG_NUMERIC_TYPE and cell_type == PG_INT_TYPE: return column_type elif column_type == PG_STR_TYPE and cell_type in [PG_INT_TYPE, PG_NUMERIC_TYPE]: return column_type elif column_type == PG_INT_TYPE and cell_type == PG_NUMERIC_TYPE: column_type = cell_type elif column_type in [PG_INT_TYPE, PG_NUMERIC_TYPE] and cell_type == PG_STR_TYPE: column_type = cell_type elif (column_type and column_type != cell_type): raise InconsistentTypes else: column_type = cell_type return column_type
[docs] @staticmethod def db_type(column_type, max_val, precision, scale) -> str: if column_type == PG_INT_TYPE and max_val * 10 > PG_MAXINT: column_type = PG_BIGINT_TYPE if column_type == PG_NUMERIC_TYPE and precision and scale: column_type = column_type + "({:d},{:d})".format( precision + scale + 2, scale ) if column_type == "0": column_type = PG_NUMERIC_TYPE if not column_type: column_type = PG_STR_TYPE if column_type == PG_STR_TYPE and max_val > 256: column_type = PG_TXT_TYPE return column_type
[docs] def get_columns(self) -> List[Dict]: columns = self.appended_columns for i, c in enumerate(self.sql_columns): t = self.types[i] s = self.csv_columns[i] column = { c: { "type": t, } } if self.descriptions is not None: column[c]["description"] = self.descriptions[i] if not s: column[c]["source"] = i elif s != c: column[c]["source"] = s columns.append(column) return columns
[docs] def append_file_column(self): self.appended_columns.append({ "FILE": { "description": "original file name", "index": { "required_before_loading_data": True }, "source": { "type": "file" }, "type": "VARCHAR(128)" } })
[docs] def append_record_column(self): self.appended_columns.append({ "RECORD": { "description": "Record (line) number in the file", "index": True, "type": PG_SERIAL_TYPE } } )
[docs] @classmethod def classify(cls, files): classes = [] for f in files: print(f) introspector = Introspector(f) introspector.introspect() cc = introspector.get_columns() new = True for c in classes: if c[0] == cc: c[1].append(f) new = False break if new: classes.append([cc, [f]]) print("Found {:d} classes".format(len(classes))) for i, c in enumerate(classes): print("{:d}:".format(i+1)) for f in c[1]: print("\t{}".format(f))
[docs]class InconsistentTypes(Exception): pass
[docs]def test(): if len(sys.argv) == 2: args = glob.glob(sys.argv[1]) else: args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) > 1: Introspector.classify(args) else: arg = args[0] print(arg) introspector = Introspector(arg) introspector.introspect() columns = introspector.get_columns() print(yaml.dump(columns))
if __name__ == '__main__': test()