Source code for nsaph.dictionary.tables

#  Copyright (c) 2023. Harvard University
#  Developed by Research Software Engineering,
#  Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
#  Author: Michael A Bouzinier
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Module to create list of tables from the Domain Data Model
import math
import re
from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Set
import html
import sqlparse

from nsaph.data_model.domain import Domain
from nsaph.dictionary.columns import Column
from nsaph.dictionary.element import HTML, DataModelElement, Graph, fqn, qstr, \
    attrs2string, add_row, start_table, add_html_row, end_table, add_header_row, \
    hr, start_invisible_row, end_invisible_row

[docs]class Table(DataModelElement): def __init__(self, schema: str, name: str, domain: Domain, domain_dict): = name self.schema = schema self.qualified_name = fqn(self.schema, super().__init__(domain.find(self.qualified_name)) print("Adding: " + fqn(schema, name)) self.domain = domain self.domain_dict = domain_dict self.domain_dict.tables[fqn(schema, name)] = self self.aggregation:Optional[Aggregation] = None self.union:Optional[Union] = None self.join:Optional[Join] = None self.parent = None self.type: str = "Table" self.master = None create_block = None if "create" in self.block: create_block:Dict[str, Dict] = self.block["create"] self.aggregation = self.get_aggregation(schema, name, create_block) if "type" in create_block: self.type = str(create_block["type"]) if "from" in create_block: from_block = create_block["from"] if self.aggregation is None: if isinstance(from_block, list): self.union = Union(schema, from_block, self.domain_dict) elif isinstance(from_block, str): if "join" in from_block: self.join = Join(schema, from_block, self.domain_dict) else: tname = fqn(schema, from_block) self.master = self.domain_dict.tables[tname] if "children" in self.block: children_block = self.block["children"] assert isinstance(children_block, dict) for child in children_block: child_table = Table(schema, child, self.domain, self.domain_dict) child_table.parent = self relation = Relation("parent-child", self, child_table) self.domain_dict.relations.append(relation) if self.aggregation is not None: relation = Relation( "aggregation", self.aggregation.parent, self, self.aggregation.on ) elif self.parent is not None: relation = Relation("parent-child", self.parent, self) elif self.master is not None: relation = Relation("transformation", self.master, self) elif self.join is not None: for t in self.join.tables: relation = Relation("join", t, self, self.join.on) self.domain_dict.relations.append(relation) relation = None elif self.union is not None: for t in self.union.tables: relation = Relation("union", t, self) self.domain_dict.relations.append(relation) relation = None else: relation = None if relation is not None: self.domain_dict.relations.append(relation) self.columns = dict() if "columns" in self.block: columns_block = self.block["columns"] for column_block in columns_block: cblocks = Column.expand_macro1(column_block) for cblock in cblocks: column = Column(self.qualified_name, cblock) self.columns[] = column if self.master is not None and create_block and "select" in create_block: self.add_master_columns() self.all_predecessors = None self.base_predecessors = None
[docs] def add_master_columns(self): identifiers = Domain.get_select_from(self.block) if not identifiers: return for identifier in identifiers: if isinstance(identifier, sqlparse.sql.Identifier): c = identifier.get_name() if c in self.master.columns: self.add_column_from_master(c) else: self.add_column_from_sql(identifier) elif identifier.ttype[0] == "Wildcard": for c in self.master.columns: self.add_column_from_master(c)
[docs] def add_column_from_master(self, c: str): p_column = self.master.columns[c] column_block = {c: p_column.block} column = Column(self.qualified_name, column_block) column.copied = True self.columns[] = column
[docs] def add_column_from_sql(self, identifier: sqlparse.sql.Identifier): c = identifier.get_name() column = Column(self.qualified_name, {c: None}) column.expression = [identifier.value] column.copied = False identifiers = self.get_source_columns(identifier) column.predecessors.update(identifiers) self.columns[] = column
[docs] def get_source_columns(self, identifier: sqlparse.sql.Identifier) -> Set[str]: identifiers = set() for t in identifier.tokens: if t.is_keyword and t.value.lower() == "as": break if isinstance(t, sqlparse.sql.Identifier) or t.is_group: tname = t.get_name() if tname in self.master.columns: identifiers.add(tname) elif len(t.tokens) > 1: identifiers.update(self.get_source_columns(t)) return identifiers
[docs] def get_aggregation(self, schema: str, name: str, create_block: dict): if "group by" not in create_block: return None group_by_block :Dict[str, Dict] = create_block["group by"] assert isinstance(group_by_block, list) parent = create_block["from"] assert isinstance(parent, str) return Aggregation(schema, name, parent, group_by_block, self.domain_dict)
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.type + " " + self.qualified_name def __eq__(self, __value): if isinstance(__value, Table): if == and self.schema == __value.schema: return True return False
[docs] def is_downstream(self, predecessor: str): if predecessor not in self.domain_dict.tables: raise ValueError(f"Unknown requirement {predecessor}") t = self.domain_dict.tables[predecessor] for r in self.domain_dict.relations: if r.x == t and r.y == self: return True return False
[docs] def add_predecessors_for_column(self, c: str, lst: List): for t in self.columns[c.lower()].requires: if self.is_downstream(t): continue table = self.domain_dict.tables[t] relation = Relation("custom-select", table, self) self.domain_dict.relations.append(relation) lst.append(relation) return
[docs] def get_predecessors(self) -> List: if self.base_predecessors is None: self.base_predecessors = [] for relation in self.domain_dict.relations: if relation.y == self: self.base_predecessors.append(relation) self.all_predecessors = [] self.all_predecessors.extend(self.base_predecessors) for c in self.columns: self.add_predecessors_for_column(c, self.all_predecessors) return self.all_predecessors
[docs] def get_predecessors_for_column(self, column: str) -> List: if self.base_predecessors is None: self.get_predecessors() predecessors = [] predecessors.extend(self.base_predecessors) self.add_predecessors_for_column(column, predecessors) return predecessors
[docs] def calculate_column_lineage(self, column: Column, graph: Graph): links = self.get_column_links(column) if len(links) > 3: group = "parent_" + column.qualified_name else: group = None for link in links: graph.add_edge(link) parent = qstr(link.x.qualified_name) graph.add_node(parent, repr(link.x), group) link.relation.x.calculate_column_lineage(link.x, graph) return
[docs] def column_lineage_to_dot(self, column_name: str, out): column = self.columns[column_name] graph = Graph() graph.add_node(qstr(column.qualified_name), repr(column)) self.calculate_column_lineage(column, graph) graph.print(indent=1, file=out)
[docs] def describe_column_type(self, column: Column): if column.column_type: return column.column_type if column.copied: return "copied" if column.expression: return "computed" if self.aggregation: if in self.aggregation.columns: return "grouping" else: return "aggregated" if column.is_transformed(): return "transformed" return ""
[docs] def describe_html(self, basedir) -> str: text = start_table(border=0) text += start_invisible_row() text += start_table(border=2) header = f'<FONT POINT-SIZE="20"><b>{self.type}: {self.qualified_name}</b></FONT>' text += add_html_row([header], border=2) if self.reference: text += f'<tr><td align = "center" border = "0"><i>For more information see: {self.reference}</i></td></tr>\n' if self.description and "text" in self.description: value = html.escape(self.description["text"]) text += add_row([value]) if self.parent: name = self.parent.qualified_name text += add_row([f"Child table of {self.link_to_table(name)}"]) if self.aggregation: name = self.aggregation.parent.qualified_name text += add_row([f"Aggregated from {self.link_to_table(name)} on {self.aggregation.on}"]) if self.master: name = self.master.qualified_name text += add_row([f"Transformed from {self.link_to_table(name)}"]) elif self.join: name = self.join.sql text += add_row([f"Join of tables: {name}"]) if "primary_key" in self.block: pk = self.block["primary_key"] pk_text = ", ".join(pk) text += add_row([f"Primary Key: {pk_text}"]) text += end_table() text += end_invisible_row() text += hr() text += start_invisible_row() text += start_table(border=2) text += add_header_row(["Column name", "Column type", "Datatype"]) for c in sorted(self.columns): column = self.columns[c] text += add_row([ self.link_to_column(, basedir), self.describe_column_type(column), column.datatype ]) text += end_table() text += end_invisible_row() text += end_table() return text
[docs] def html(self, of: str, svg = None): body = self.describe_html(self.qualified_name) if svg: body += "<hr/>\n" body += f'<object data="{svg}" type="image/svg+xml"> </object>' block = HTML.format( title = f"Table {self.qualified_name}", body = body ) with open(of, "wt") as out: print(block, file=out)
[docs]class Aggregation: def __init__(self, schema: str, name: str, parent: str, columns: List, domain_dict): self.domain_dict = domain_dict self.table = self.domain_dict.tables[fqn(schema, name)] if '.' not in parent: parent = fqn(schema, parent) self.parent = self.domain_dict.tables[parent] self.columns = columns self.on = "On " + ", ".join(self.columns)
[docs]class Union: def __init__(self, schema: str, tables: List[str], domain_dict): self.domain_dict = domain_dict self.tables = [] for t in tables: if '.' not in t: t = fqn(schema, t) pattern = re.compile(t.replace('*', ".*")) for t2 in self.domain_dict.tables: if pattern.fullmatch(t2): self.tables.append(self.domain_dict.tables[t2]) return
[docs]class Join: def __init__(self, schema: str, s: str, domain_dict): self.domain_dict = domain_dict self.sql = s natural_join = "natural" in s s = s.lower() for keyword in ["natural", "left", "right", "full"]: s = s.replace(keyword, '') i = s.find("on") if i > 0: s = s[:i] self.on = s[i:] elif natural_join: self.on = "natural" else: self.on = None tables = s.split("join") self.tables = [] for table in tables: table = table.strip() if '.' not in table: table = fqn(schema, table) self.tables.append(self.domain_dict.tables[table]) return
[docs]class Relation: def __init__(self, reltype: str, x: Table, y: Table, data = None): self.type = reltype self.x = x self.y = y = data
[docs] def label(self): return if is not None else ''
[docs] def as_edge_attr(self) -> Dict: attrs = dict() if is None: attrs["label"] = '\t' + qstr(self.type) else: attrs["label"] = f'"\t{self.type} {self.label()}"' if self.type == "aggregation": attrs["penwidth"] = 5 attrs["color"] = "blue" elif self.type == "union": attrs["penwidth"] = 2 attrs["color"] = "chocolate" elif self.type == "parent-child": attrs["penwidth"] = 2 attrs["color"] = "darkorchid" elif self.type == "custom-select": attrs["penwidth"] = 1 attrs["color"] = "chartreuse" else: attrs["penwidth"] = 1 attrs["color"] = "black" return attrs
def __str__(self) -> str: data = self.label() return f'{self.type}: {str(self.x)} => {str(self.y)} {data}'