Source code for gridmet.gridmet_tools

#  Copyright (c) 2021. Harvard University
#  Developed by Research Software Engineering,
#  Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
#  Author: Michael A Bouzinier
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
import glob
import math
import os
from typing import List, Optional
import rasterio

from netCDF4._netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy
import geopy

[docs]def get_atmos_url(year:int, variable ="PM25") -> str: """ Constructs URL to download data from the Atmospheric Composition Analysis Group given a year and a band :param year: year :param variable: Gridmet band (variable) :return: URL for download """ base = "" pattern = base + "V4NA03_{}_NA_{:d}01_{:d}" return pattern.format(variable, year, year)
[docs]def get_nkn_url(variable:str, year:int) -> str: """ Constructs URL to download data from University of Idaho (UI) Northwest Knowledge Network given a year and a band :param year: year :param variable: Gridmet band (variable) :return: URL for download """ base = "" pattern = base + "{}_{:d}.nc" return pattern.format(variable, year)
[docs]def check_shape_file(shapes_dir: str, year: int, geography_type: str, shape_type: str) -> [Optional[str], list]: d = os.path.join(shapes_dir, "{:d}".format(year)) if os.path.isdir(d): f = "{}/{}/ESRI{:02d}USZIP5_POLY_WGS84.shp".format( geography_type, shape_type, year - 2000) return os.path.join(d, f) tiger_format = "tl_{:04d}_us_{}*.shp" tiger_pattern = tiger_format.format(year, geography_type) tiger_shapes = glob.glob(os.path.join(shapes_dir, tiger_pattern)) if tiger_shapes: return tiger_shapes return None
[docs]def find_shape_file(shapes_dir: str, year: int, geography_type: str, shape_type: str) -> str: """ Finds shapefile for a given type of geographies for the closest available year :param shapes_dir: Directory containing shape files organized as ${year}/${geo_type}/{point|polygon} :param year: year :param geography_type: Geography type, e.g. zip, county, etc. :param shape_type: Shape type: polygon, point, etc. :return: a shape file for a given year if it exists or for the latest year before the given """ shape_file = None for d in [-1, 1]: y = year while (1980 < y < 2021) and (shape_file is None): shape_file = check_shape_file(shapes_dir, y, geography_type, shape_type) y += d if shape_file: break if shape_file is None: raise Exception( "Could not find ZIP shape file for year {:d} or earlier" .format(year)) return shape_file
[docs]def get_variable(dataset: Dataset, variable: str): """ Extracts a variable (column) name by a variable "standard name" from NCDF4 dataset Standard name is a name of a band as described here: A column name is a name of the column in the dataset :param dataset: an NCDF4 dataset :param variable: "standard name" of a variable, e.g. "tmmx" :return: """ standard_name = variable for var in dataset.variables.values(): if hasattr(var,"standard_name") \ and var.standard_name == standard_name: return raise Exception("Not found in the dataset: " + standard_name)
[docs]def get_days(dataset: Dataset) -> List: """ Extracts a table fo days from NCDF4 dataset :param dataset: NCDF4 dataset :return: List, containing days """ return dataset["day"][:]
[docs]def get_affine_transform(nc_file: str, factor: int = 1): """ Returns affine transformation for a NCDF4 dataset. Uses rasterio package: The `Affine` object is a named tuple with elements `a, b, c, d, e, f` corresponding to the elements in the matrix equation below, in which a pixel’s image coordinates are `x, y` and its world coordinates are `x', y'` See more: :param factor: factor used for disaggregation, None or 0 means no disaggregation :param nc_file: path to file, containing dataset :return: Instance of affine transformation """ with as rio: affine = rio.transform if factor and factor != 1: affine = rasterio.Affine(affine.a / factor, affine.b, affine.c, affine.d, affine.e / factor, affine.f ) return affine
[docs]def disaggregate(layer, factor: int): """ Implementation of R `disaggregate` function with method == ''. See details: or, original source code: :param layer: :param factor: :return: """ if not factor or factor == 1: return layer arr = numpy.repeat(layer, factor, axis=0) return numpy.repeat(arr, factor, axis=1)
geolocator = geopy.Nominatim(user_agent='NSAPH')
[docs]def get_address(latitude:float, longitude: float): location = geolocator.reverse((latitude, longitude)) return location
[docs]def estimate_optimal_downscaling_factor(size: int, ram: int): x = ram / 1000000000 max_size = 50000000.0 max_size *= x f = math.sqrt(max_size / size) if f < 1: f = 1 return int(f)