Source code for epa.aqs_ds_def

Module contains classes to describe the context in which AQS data is downloaded

#  Copyright (c) 2021. Harvard University
#  Developed by Research Software Engineering,
#  Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
#  Author: Michael A Bouzinier
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from enum import IntEnum, Enum
from nsaph_utils.utils.context import Context, Argument, Cardinality

[docs]class Parameter(IntEnum): """ An Enum with mnemonic names for the most common EPA AQS Parameter Codes See more at """ NO2 = 42602 '''NO2''' OZONE = 44201 '''ozone''' PM25 = 88101 '''PM25''' MAX_TEMP = 68104 '''maximum temperature''' MIN_TEMP = 68103 '''minimum temperature''' def __str__(self): return str( @classmethod def values(cls): return {p.value for p in cls} @classmethod def validate(cls, value): if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, int): return value if value.isnumeric(): return int(value) for p in cls: if value == return p.value raise ValueError("Unknown parameter name")
[docs]class Aggregation(Enum): """An Enum used to specify how the data is aggregated in time""" ANNUAL = "annual" '''annual aggregation''' DAILY = "daily" '''daily aggregation'''
[docs]class AQSContext(Context): """ This class is part of EPA AQS Toolkit. It allows user to define any parameters that are used to select what data to download, how to format it and where to place the results. It is a concrete subclass of :class Context: """ _aggregation = Argument("aggregation", aliases=['a'], cardinality=Cardinality.single, default="annual", help="Whether to use annual or daily aggregation", valid_values=[a.value for a in Aggregation] ) _parameters = Argument("parameters", aliases=['p'], cardinality=Cardinality.multiple, help="Parameter(s) to download, allowed mnemonic " + "names: " + ",".join(list(map(str, Parameter))) + " or integer codes. Example: `-p NO2 44201` " + "will download Ozone and NO2. " + "Required for daily data, for annual data " + "defaults to all." ) _destination = Argument("destination", aliases=['dest', 'd'], cardinality=Cardinality.single, required=False, help="Destination directory for the downloaded files" ) _merge_years = Argument("merge_years", type=bool, help="Concatenate consecutive years in one file" ) def __init__(self, doc = None): """ Constructor :param doc: Optional argument, specifying what to print as documentation """ self.parameters = None '''Parameters (variables, e.g. PM25, NO2, etc.) to download''' self.aggregation = None '''Aggregation: daily or annual''' self.destination = None '''Destination directory for the downloaded files''' self.merge_years = None '''Whether to concatenate consecutive years in one file''' super().__init__(AQSContext, doc) self.instantiate()
[docs] def validate(self, attr, value): """ AQS specific code to handle years and EPA Parameter Codes :param attr: :param value: :return: """ value = super().validate(attr, value) if attr == "aggregation": return Aggregation(value) if attr == "parameters": parameters = [] if value: for p in value: if p.isnumeric(): parameters.append(int(p)) else: parameters.append(self.enum(Parameter, p)) return parameters return value