Source code for epa.airnow_downloader

Toolkit and API for downloading AirNow

#  Copyright (c) 2021. Harvard University
#  Developed by Research Software Engineering,
#  Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
#  Author: Michael A Bouzinier
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import csv
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import time
from datetime import timedelta, datetime, date
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union, Dict

import pandas
import yaml

from epa import add_record_num, MONITOR
from epa.airnow_ds_def import AirNowContext
from nsaph_gis.annotator import GISAnnotator
from nsaph_utils.qc import Tester
from nsaph_utils.utils.io_utils import fopen, as_content

[docs]class AirNowDownloader: """ Main class to download AirNow data """ SITE = "FullAQSCode" VALUE = "Value" MONITOR_FORMAT = "{state}-{fips:05d}-{site}" AQI = "AQI" GIS_COLUMNS = ["ZCTA", "STATE", "FIPS5", "STATEFP", "COUNTYFP", "COUNTY", "STUSPS"] bbox = "-140.58788,20.634217,-60.119132,60.453505" format_csv = "text/csv" format_json = "application/json" datatype = "b" verbose = 1 max_attempts = 5 time_to_sleep_between_attempts = 10 url = "" @staticmethod def get_config(key: str): candidates = [ ".airnow.yaml", ".airnow.json", os.path.expanduser(".airnow.yaml"), os.path.expanduser(".airnow.json") ] for f in candidates: if os.path.exists(f): with open(f) as fp: if f.endswith("yaml"): content = yaml.safe_load(fp) elif f.endswith(".json"): content = json.load(fp) else: raise Exception(f) value = content[key]"AirNow {} has been found in {}".format(key, f)) return value return None @staticmethod def look_for_api_key(): key = os.getenv('AIRNOWKEY', None) if key:"AirNow API Key has been found in the environment") return key key = AirNowDownloader.get_config("api key") if key: return key raise Exception("AirNow API Key was not found") def __init__(self, target: str = None, parameter: str = None, api_key: str = None, qc = None, context: AirNowContext = None): """ Constructor. :param target: File name, where downloaded data is saved. If file name includes substring ".json", then the data is saved in JSON format, otherwise it is saved as CSV. If target is not specified (None), then the data is not saved to file but is returned to the caller. The latter mode is useful for testing. :param parameter: Comma-separated list of parameters to download. In practice because of AirNow API limitations, if more than one parameter is specified, a runtime error will occur. Possible values: - Ozone (O3, ozone) - PM2.5 (pm25) - PM10 (pm10) - CO (co) - NO2 (no2) - SO2 (so2) :param api_key: Optional API Key to use with AirNow api. If not specified, then it is searched in a file named `.airnow.yaml` or `.airnow.json` first in working directory and then in user's home directory """ self.record_index = 0 self.options = dict() self.options["bbox"] = self.bbox self.options["format"] = self.format_json self.options["datatype"] = self.datatype self.options["verbose"] = self.verbose if parameter is not None: self.options["parameters"] = parameter else: self.options["parameters"] = context.parameters if target is not None: = target else: = context.destination if api_key is None: api_key = context.api_key if api_key is None: api_key = self.look_for_api_key() self.options["api_key"] = api_key if context.shapes: shapes = context.shapes else: shapes = self.get_config("shapes") if not shapes: raise Exception("Shape files are not specified") self.annotator = GISAnnotator(shapes, self.GIS_COLUMNS) self.sites = dict() self.columns = None self.qc = qc self.header_written = False if parameter == "pm25": self.t_int = [("00", "23:59")] else: self.t_int = [("00", "11:59"), ("12:00", "23:59")] self._states = dict() def reset(self): if os.path.exists( os.remove( self.columns = None def get_content(self, options): attempts = 0 content = None while True: try: content = as_content(self.url, params=options, mode='t') break except Exception as x: attempts += 1 if attempts < self.max_attempts: logging.warning(str(x)) time.sleep(self.time_to_sleep_between_attempts * attempts) continue raise return content @staticmethod def merge(contents: List[str]) -> str: content = [] for c in contents: content.extend(json.loads(c)) return json.dumps(content)
[docs] def download(self, requested_date) -> Union[List[dict], str]: """ Download data for a date :param requested_date: date to be downloaded :return: If target has been specified, then this method returns the target file name, otherwise it returns a list of dictionaries where each dictionary is structured as JSON, with column names serving as keys """ is_json = ".json" in options = dict(self.options) contents = [] for interval in self.t_int: options["startdate"] = str(requested_date) + 't' + interval[0] options["enddate"] = str(requested_date) + 't' + interval[1] logging.debug("Requesting AirNowAPI data... Date = " + str(requested_date)) contents.append(self.get_content(options)) if len(contents) > 1: content = self.merge(contents) else: content = contents[0] rows = self.process(content) if not rows: raise Exception("Empty response for " + str(requested_date)) if is None: return rows with fopen(, "at") as output: if is_json: for row in rows: json.dump(row, output) output.write('\n') else: if not self.header_written: self.write_csv_header(rows[0]) self.header_written = True self.dump_csv(output, rows) return
[docs] @staticmethod def dump_csv(output, rows): """ Internal method used by download Dumps rows as CSV file """ row = rows[0] writer = csv.DictWriter(output, row.keys(), delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) writer.writerows(rows)
[docs] def write_csv_header(self, row): """ Internal method used by download Writes CSV file ehader """ with fopen(, "wt") as output: writer = csv.DictWriter(output, row.keys(), delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) writer.writeheader()
[docs] def process(self, content: str) -> List[dict]: """ Internal method Aggregates hourly data into day's averages and joins with geographic information such as state, county, zip code. :param content: Raw content received from AirNow API call see: :return: List of dictinaries, where each row is represented as a dictionary, with column names serving as keys """ df = pandas.read_json(content) agg = { c: "mean" if c in [self.VALUE, self.AQI] else "first" for c in df.columns if c != self.SITE } aggregated = df.groupby(self.SITE).agg(agg).reset_index() self.check_sites(aggregated) if self.qc: self.do_qc(df) data = [] for _, row in aggregated.iterrows(): record = row.to_dict() site = record[self.SITE] record.update(self.sites[site]) self.record_index += 1 add_record_num(record, self.record_index) self.add_monitor_key(record) data.append(record) return data
@classmethod def add_monitor_key(cls, record: Dict): state = record["STATE"] if not state: state = "__" fips5 = record["FIPS5"] if not fips5: fips5 = 0 site = record[cls.SITE] if isinstance(site, int): site = "{:09d}".format(site) monitor = cls.MONITOR_FORMAT.format( state = state, fips = int(fips5), site = site) record[MONITOR] = monitor def do_qc(self, df: pandas.DataFrame): src = Path(__file__).parents[1] qc = os.path.join(src, "qc", "tests.yaml") tester = Tester("AirNow", qc) tester.check(df) def check_sites(self, df: pandas.DataFrame): sites = df[self.SITE] new_monitors = {m for m in sites if m not in self.sites} if not new_monitors: return x = "Longitude" y = "Latitude" sites = df[[self.SITE, x, y]] sites = sites[sites[self.SITE].isin(new_monitors)] annotated = self.annotator.join(sites, x = x, y = y) for _, site in annotated.iterrows(): row = { key: site[key] if not ( isinstance(site[key], float) and math.isnan(site[key]) ) else None for key in self.GIS_COLUMNS } row[self.SITE] = site[self.SITE] self.sites[site[self.SITE]] = row return
[docs] def download_range(self, start_date, end_date = """ Downloads data for a range of dates. To invoke this method the application must have specified a target file :param start_date: First date in the range to download (inclusive) :param end_date: Last date in the range to download (inclusive) """ assert, "Range downloading is only supported when target " \ "file is specified " dt = start_date year = dt.year month = dt.month"Starting download from: " + str(dt)) while True: t = if dt >= end_date: break dt += timedelta(days = 1) if dt.month != month:"{:d}-{:d}".format(year, month)) month = dt.month year = dt.year elapsed = - t if elapsed.total_seconds() < 7.2: time.sleep(7.2 - elapsed.total_seconds())"Download complete. Last downloaded date: {}".format(str(dt)))
def test(): downloader = AirNowDownloader("airnow_no2.json.gz", "no2") downloader.reset() downloader.download_range(date(2019,9,1), date(2019,12,31)) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) test()