Source code for census.interpolate_data

import pickle
import logging
from nsaph_utils.utils.context import Context, Argument, Cardinality

[docs]class CensusInterpolateContext(Context): _interpolate = Argument("interpolate", help="""Years to interpolate for. Takes min year + max year formatted as <min_year>:<max_year>. Enter 'x' to skip interpolation""", aliases=["i"], cardinality=Cardinality.single, default="1999:2019", ) _log = Argument("log", help="Path to log file", cardinality=Cardinality.single, default="cwl_census.log") _in_pkl = Argument("in_pkl", help="Path to temporary input pkl file", cardinality=Cardinality.single, default="census.pkl") _out_pkl = Argument("out_pkl", help="Path to temporary output pkl file", cardinality=Cardinality.single, default="census_interpolated.pkl" ) def __init__(self): self.interpolate = None self.log = None self.in_pkl = None self.out_pkl = None super().__init__(CensusInterpolateContext)
[docs] def validate(self, attr, value): value = super().validate(attr, value) if attr == "interpolate": value = value.split(":") out = dict() out["min"] = int(value[0]) out["max"] = int(value[1]) return out return value
[docs]def initialize_logging(log: str): handler = logging.FileHandler(log, mode="a") formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger = logging.getLogger("nsaph_utils") logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) return True
if __name__ == "__main__": context = CensusInterpolateContext().instantiate() initialize_logging(context.log) with open(context.in_pkl, 'rb') as f: census = pickle.load(f) census.interpolate(min_year=context.interpolate["min"], max_year=context.interpolate["max"]) with open(context.out_pkl, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(census, f)