Source code for census.cli

Command Line Interface for the census python package

#  Copyright (c) 2022. Harvard University
#  Developed by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
#  (HSPH) and Research Software Engineering,
#  Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
#  Author: Ben Sabath (
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import logging
import pickle
from nsaph_utils.utils.context import Context, Argument, Cardinality

from .assemble_data import DataPlan
from .census_info import census_years
from .query import SUPPORTED_GEOMETRIES

[docs]class CensusContext(Context): """ Context object supporting the CLI functionality of this package """ _var_file = Argument("var_file", help="Path to yaml file specifying census variables", aliases=["vars"], cardinality=Cardinality.single, ) _geometry = Argument("geometry", help="Geographic Resolution to download census data at", aliases=["geom"], cardinality=Cardinality.single, valid_values=SUPPORTED_GEOMETRIES ) _state = Argument("state", help='2 digit FIPS code of the state you want to limit the query to (i.e. "06" for CA)', cardinality=Cardinality.single, default=None, required=False ) _densities = Argument("densities", aliases=['d'], help="""Names of variables to calculate denisity per square mile for. If ommitted, density calculation will be skipped. To calculate population density, assuming population is stored in a variable named 'population', the option would be specified -d population""", cardinality=Cardinality.multiple, default=None, required=False) _county = Argument("county", help="3 digit FIPS code of the county you want to include. Requires state to be specified", cardinality=Cardinality.single, default=None, required=False ) _interpolate = Argument("interpolate", help="""Years to interpolate for. Takes min year + max year formatted as <min_year>:<max_year>. Enter 'x' to skip interpolation""", aliases=["i"], cardinality=Cardinality.single, default="1999:2019", ) _out_file = Argument("out_file", aliases=["out"], help="name of file to write output to", cardinality=Cardinality.single, default=None) _out_format = Argument("out_format", help="file format to store output as.", default="csv", cardinality=Cardinality.single, valid_values=DataPlan.supported_out_formats) _years = Argument("years", aliases=["y"], help=""" Year or list of years to download. For example, the following argument: `-y 1992:1995 1998 1999 2011 2015:2017` will produce the following list: [1992,1993,1994,1995,1998,1999,2011,2015,2016,2017] Note that in the census module CLI, only the minimum and maximum year passed are used and are passed to census.census_years() to ensure that only years that are available are used. Additional variable level year control is determined by the variable specification yaml file. """, cardinality=Cardinality.multiple, default="2000:2019" ) _quality_check = Argument("quality_check", aliases=["qc"], help=""" Path to a yaml file specifying the checks to be run on the data. Yaml file should be structured per the paradigm used by nsaph_utils.qc """, cardinality=Cardinality.single, default=None, required=False) _log = Argument("log", help=""" Path to output log file. If you want logging info to print on the screen, enter "screen". """, cardinality=Cardinality.single, default="census.log") _debug = Argument("debug", help = """ Boolean. If included, debug level messages will be logged. Otherwise defaults to "info" level. """, type=bool) _pkl_file = Argument("pkl_file", help="Path to temporary pkl file", cardinality=Cardinality.single, default="census.pkl") def __init__(self, doc=None): self.var_file = None self.geometry = None self.state = None self.county = None self.densities = None self.interpolate = None self.out_file = None self.out_format = None self.quality_check = None self.log = None self.debug = None self.pkl_file = None super().__init__(CensusContext, doc)
[docs] def validate(self, attr, value): value = super().validate(attr, value) if attr == "interpolate": if value == "x": return None else: value = value.split(":") out = dict() out["min"] = int(value[0]) out["max"] = int(value[1]) return out return value
[docs]def census_cli(): context = CensusContext(__doc__).instantiate() if context.debug: level = logging.DEBUG else: level = logging.INFO if context.log == "screen": logging.basicConfig(level=level) else: logging.basicConfig(filename=context.log, level = level) census = DataPlan(context.var_file, context.geometry, years=census_years(min(context.years), max(context.years)), state=context.state, county=context.county) census.assemble_data() if context.interpolate: census.interpolate(min_year=context.interpolate["min"], max_year=context.interpolate["max"]) if context.densities: census.calculate_densities(context.densities) census.write_data(context.out_file, file_type=context.out_format) if context.quality_check: census.quality_check(context.quality_check) with open(context.pkl_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(census, f)
if __name__ == "__main__": census_cli()